Citizens of Lawerence County PA
Solar companies are already actively working with landowners, schools and organizations throughout the county. Some townships have ordinance restrictions for industrialized scale solar to be built only on commercial land while other townships do not have any ordinances.
Township: GO VOTE
Township: GO VOTE
- Realize, if your township already has a solar ordinance that put restrictions on industrial scale solar; this is not a guarantee it can't be changed in the future. Especially, if the majority of supervisors elected are in favor of industrial scale solar.
- Before the next primary election on May 16, 2023 and general election on November 7, 2023, learn what platform each candidate running for township supervisor stands on industrial scale solar. These elected supervisors have the power to create / change township ordinances that may or may not include strict stipulations for industrial scale solar to be built in the township.
- If your township does not have a solar ordinance that puts restrictions on industrial scale solar, then you need to be talking with your supervisor to get the most up to date information on what is being done. Visit this page to learn what you and your community can do. Learn more here
- Keep informed and attend your monthly township meetings
- Grants received Some schools in Lawrence County have already received grants from the solar company.
- Be informed before you vote for your school board members to know their platform about industrial scale solar.
- Attend school board meetings
- Find out who has lease agreements with industrial scale solar and if it may be near you. Search records online at the courthouse for the name or parent name of the solar company. Learn more here
- Talk with your neighbor and friends. Share this website. Many in our community still have no idea this is happening! Help them find the resources they need to make an informed decision about industrial scale solar.
- Find out what your state representative can do. Ask your PA representatives to vote yes on Senate Bill 284 for solar bond requirement on clean up after decommissioning. Learn more here
Senator Elder Vogel
NEW CASTLE OFFICE (724) 654-1444 |
Representative Marla Brown
NEW CASTLE OFFICE: (724) 656-1112 |
Elected officials play an important roles
Industrial scale solar denied twice, but comes back again for third time....
Solar companies are working every day to try to develop industrial scale solar across the U.S. Even if they are denied, they can keep putting in applications. These applications are approved or rejected by locally elected officials. This township has denied them now for the THIRD TIME. Learn more here. It is important to know what your elected officials are voting for or against.
What if you don't know or find out there is no solar ordinance in your area?
What if:
- You don't live locally or
- You do not know if there is a solar ordinance in your area
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