Could you lose property rights to your land?
Yes, you could lose your property rights due to eminent domain. Eminent domain is defined as the power of the government being able to take private property and convert it into public use. Depending where you live, you may not have a choice and could lose your property rights due to eminent domain to run power lines which could means cutting down more trees.
State government are proposing legistraliong to help safe guard landowners from eminent domain. Learn what Ohio is proposing here
State government are proposing legistraliong to help safe guard landowners from eminent domain. Learn what Ohio is proposing here
What does eminent domain look like?
Eminent domain could mean you could have 45' poles and transformers on your property to carry solar power from the industrial scale solar fields to high powered electric lines.
See what it looks like in Cranston, Rhode Island. Learn more here
See what it looks like in Cranston, Rhode Island. Learn more here
Something to think about:
What about your property rights?
If your neighbor agrees to install thousands of industrial scale solar panels, to make money but causes your property to lose value after it is installed? Is this fair? Should they be able to earn money on something that could affect you to lose money on your property?
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